UI Basic Technical

14 Sep 2021


For each of these WOD’s I had already completed them in a previous class, with that class being ICS 314. And having had a lot of experience with coding due to my previous major being ICS these WOD’s were mostly just review for me. I could still do BrowserHistory1 in Rx time since all it entails is creating a variety of tags on an HTML page, like a image tag and paragraph tags to hold the information. Headers are also used to create the different subsections to divide up the information. The table of contents is also a simple unordered list with links sending the user to the different headers.

My advice for this WOD is to try the WOD and google problems you get stuck at. There are plenty of great resources for HTML code, with w3schools being a common resource I still use if I have forgotten some code from HTML. It has all kinds of tutorials that shows different code and how they are used. Stackoverflow is another great resource where people can ask questions and have others answer them, if you find a question similar to yours on stackoverflow, then it could possibly have the answer you are looking for.


For BrowserHistory2 I had already completed it before, but I am confident in my ability to complete this WOD in Rx time. For this WOD all that is really necessary is understanding of CSS and how the selectors for CSS work. Then all you have to do is type the correct CSS code in to change the styling for the required items. While it is difficult if you don’t know the code to use, after you do it is quite simple.

My advice for this WOD is to try the WOD and to look at w3schools for some of the CSS code that is needed in this WOD. It is much easier to complete once you understand the code for CSS and w3schools has plenty of tutorials and explanations for each requirement on this WOD.


For BrowserHistory3 I had also already completed it in the class ICS 314. As such I am confident in my ability to complete this WOD in Rx time. For this WOD an understanding of divs is required. As the easiest way to do this is to create classes for each div corresponding to each column and then style those classes in the CSS. For instance, using the float property allows the divs to stay on the left and right of the page. Then you can center the middle column by changing the margin and padding of the middle column.

My advice for this WOD is to try the WOD and if you get stuck look up how divs work. As divs are one of the easiest ways to get the paragraphs and images into different columns. There are many resources that talk about divs and the different properties that can be assigned to them through CSS, with w3schools being a resource I commonly use for this.