Performing WODs

28 Sep 2021


Since my last essay I have completed the WOD’s browserhistory6 and invoice1.

Browserhistory6 built off the previous browserhistory’s and transformed the webpage into a dynamic one. Having taken previous computer science classes, I understood most things that the WOD was asking me to do. Though reviewing the readings and the steps for the WOD helped me fully understand what I needed to do to complete the WOD. Syntax and exact code I needed was what made me slow down the most during the WOD, since sometimes I forget what the exact syntax is needed for a certain command or tag. There was also some issues where the webpage would not update with the style I had applied through the CSS, which also slowed me down a bit. But luckily I was able to still complete the WOD in Rx time.


Invoice1 was not built upon from previous WOD’s like browserhistory6, instead I started the code from scratch. For this WOD I again reviewed the readings and WOD instructions for things I needed to brush up on before attempting the WOD. The part I struggled on during this WOD was trying to edit all the different parts of the code within the time limit. Since all the variables for each different table row had to be different and there was room for error if I forgot to change even one variable in the table. But overall, this WOD was pretty simple due to me doing coding like this before and having previous experience with JavaScript and HTML.